Xoford Idioms and Phrasal Verb


not out of the woods

not yet free from difficulties or problems.

take a back seat

deliberately become less actively involved in sth, and stop trying to control things.

My heart sank

used to tell sb that you suddenly felt sad or worried sth.

having said that

used to say that sth is true despite what you have just said.

the next thing I knew

used to say that sth happened very quickly and unexpectedly.

I thought as much

used to say you are not surprised that sth is true.

be hard pressed/pushed/put to do sth.

find it very difficult to do sth.

got out of bed on the wrong side

used to say that sb is in a bad moon.

a sore point

sth that makes you upset, angry, or embarrassed when sb mentions it.

put your foot in it

INF accidentally say sth that embarrasses, upsets, or annoys sb.

it serves sb right (for doing sth)

used to say that you think sb deserves sth unpleasant that happens to them.

wait for the dust to settle

wait for an unsettled situation to become calm

on the ropes

having serious problems and likely to fail.

in a tight corner SYN: in a tight spot

in a difficult situation.

plays her cards close to her chest

keeps her plans or ideas secret.

be get something up his sleeve

has a plan or idea he will keep secret until needed.

strike while the iron is hot

make use of an opportunity immediately because now is the best time to do it.

have a chip on your shoulder

be sensitive about or feel offended by sth, as a result of sth that happened in your past.
